Originals of offered to your attention protocols (in Russian) are located in the 1-St volume of 3-volume edition “The practice of control. The way of salvation” by Grigori Grabovoi
RKA Mission Control Center
Russia, 141070, Moscow region, Korolev, Pionerskaya str.4
1997 9.30 Ex. № 77
Protocol of the forecast given by Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi on docking of the International Space Station “Mir”/Space Orbital Complex “Mir” of the Russian Federation and the Space Shuttle Atlantis USA for the period from September 27, 1997
setting: Grabovoi G. P., make a forecast on docking of the
International Space Station “Mir”/Space Orbital Complex “Mir”
of the Russian Federation and the Space Shuttle Atlantis USA for the
period of docking since 27 September 1997.
Place of target
setting: RKA Mission Control Center of the Russian Federation
Time setting: 26 September 1997 13 hours and 25
The target was formed by Blagov V.D.
of Grabovoi, G.P .:
Item 1: Docking of the International Space
Station “Mir”/Space Orbital Complex “Mir” of the Russian
Federation and the Space Shuttle Atlantis USA, planned at the end of
the day of 27 September 1997, will be realized.
Item 2 : Directly
before docking will be a deviation from the axis.
Place and time
of the response of Grabovoi G. P.: the TsUP 26 September 1997
to receive information by Grabovoi G.P.: through his clairvoyance.
practice, planned at the end of the day of 27 September 1997, docking
of the International Space Station “Mir”/Space Orbital Complex
“Mir” of the Russian Federation and the Space Shuttle Atlantis
USA was realized and directly before docking there was a deviation
from the axis.
Conclusion: the forecast given by Grabovoi G. P.
was confirmed.
Data of Grabovoi G. P.: date of birth November 14,
1963, passport series III - OG № 586058 issued 01 February 1980.
responsible officer of the TsUP:
Surname: Blagov
Patronymic: Dmitrievich
Position and phones: Deputy head
of the flight, tel 187-13-44.
Signature: Name: Blagov
triangular stamp: service control flight
Numbered side of the sheet number 240
RKA Mission Control Center
Russia, 141070, Moscow region, Korolev, Pionerskaya str.4
1997 9.30 Ex. № 120
Protocol of the forecast given by Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi on the function of on-board computer of the International Space Station “Mir”/Space Orbital Complex “Mir”.
Target setting: Grabovoi G.P., make a forecast on the operation of on-board computer of the International Space Station “Mir”/Space Orbital Complex “Mir” of Russian Federation since 26 September 1997.
Place of target setting: RKA Mission Control Center of the Russian Federation (TsUP).
setting: 26 September 1997 13 hours 27 minutes.
The target was
formed by Blagov V.D.
Forecast of Grabovoi G.P.: On-board computer of the International Space Station “Mir”/Space Orbital Complex “Mir” will operate during five days.
Place and time of Grabovoi G.P.`s answer: TsUP 26 September 1997.
Method of receiving information by Grabovoi G.P.: through his clairvoyance.
In practice on-board computer of the International Space Station “Mir”/Space Orbital Complex “Mir” was operating since 26 September1997 during five days and then was replaced.
Conclusion: the forecast given by Grabovoi G. P. was confirmed.
Data of Grabovoi G. P.: date of birth November 14, 1963, passport series III - OG № 586058 issued 01 February 1980.
responsible officer of the TsUP:
Surname: Blagov
Patronymic: Dmitrievich
Position and phones: Deputy head
of the flight, tel 187-13-44.
Signature: Name: Blagov
triangular stamp: service control flight
Numbered side of the sheet number 241
RKA Mission Control Center
Russia, 141070, Moscow region, Korolev, Pionerskaya str.4
1997 9.30 Ex. № 78
of diagnostics of engines of the space Shuttle Atlantis USA, made by
Grabovoi Grigori Petrovich during several seconds after the
formulation of the task on phone.
Task setting: Grabovoi G. P.,
diagnose the engines of the space Shuttle Atlantis.
Place and way of task transmission: From RKA Mission Control Center (TsUP)
question was formulated by phone. Grabovoi G. P. diagnosed engines,
moving with a mobile phone on New Arbat street, Moscow.
setting: 29 September 1997 12 hours and 20 minutes.
The target was
formed by Blagov V.D.
of GrabovoiG.P.: Characteristics of the lower engine of the space
Shuttle Atlantis USA are changed.
Place and time of Grabovoi
G.P.`s response: Moscow, New Arbat street, on a mobile phone,
immediately after getting the task, 29 September 1997.
Method of
obtaining information by Grabovoi G.P.: through his clairvoyance.
practice the characteristics of the lower engine of the space Shuttle
Atlantis USA were actually changed.
Conclusion: diagnostics made
by Grabovoi G. P. was confirmed.
Data of Grabovoi G. P.: date of
birth November 14, 1963, passport series III - OG № 586058 issued
01 February 1980.
responsible officer of the TsUP:
Surname: Blagov
Patronymic: Dmitrievich
Position and phones: Deputy head
of the flight, tel 187-13-44.
Signature: Name: Blagov
triangular stamp: service control flight