The device of Grigori Grabovoi
The device of development of concentrations PRK-1U
Description of the device:
Development of concentrations providing eternal life to all is carried out by concentration of attention on the receiver of generated bio-signal and control of the result of the concentrations. It is known from psychology that the longer the concentration is carried out, the faster the target is achieved, and the events are optimized. The device, in addition to this factor of psychology according to the law of universal connections, has a control of the goal of concentration through superposition of the fields from generation of the bio-signal, electromagnetic fields. The device develops concentrations of creative control.
The device is based on the two currently effective patented inventions of Grigori Grabovoi “Method of prevention of catastrophes and device for its realization” and “Information carrying system”.
The patent “Information carrying system” has the following information: it is known in the theory of wave synthesis that a thought generated into radiation may be simultaneously of two quantum states. One of these states is located on the sensor element of the transmitter of the signals and another is at the receiver of the signals. This makes it possible to create devices for ensuring eternal life, which interact with thinking. The patents for the inventions of Grigori Grabovoi say that a human operator generates information in the form of radiation of thought. For work of the device “PRK – 1U” a person concentrates radiation produced by the thought on the lenses located on the upper surface of the device:

The device of Grigori Grabovoi. The device of development of concentrations PRK – 1U. First version.
The thought includes the goal of concentration. The action of concentration for the current and future time is made on the sensor element of the transmitter of signals consisting of lenses. Circular movements of concentrations of smaller diameter of the lenses are carried out counter-clockwise through the lenses of greater diameter.
At concentrations related to the events of the past, the circular motion of the thought of concentration was performed clockwise from the smaller lens to the larger lens. And the ray of concentration in this case was not on the top, as in the case of concentrations for the current and future time, but from the inner optical assembly of the device.
In accordance with the system of transmission of information described in the patent, another quantum state of thought is projected onto the receiver of signals arranged in the form of optical device inside the device:
Realization of the method of normalization, during the concentration described in the patent “Method of prevention of catastrophes and device for its realization” is carried out through superposition of the fields from generation of the bio-signal, electromagnetic fields. In addition to the factor of psychology according to the law of action of universal connections, a control of the goal of concentration is added.
The device universally works for the development of the following concentrations to ensure eternal life:
Control 1:
Development of concentrations of eternal life for any event.
Control 2:
Development of concentrations of eternal life for controlling clairvoyance.
Control 3:
Development of concentrations of eternal life for controlling forecasting.
While controlling for controlling forecasting a goal should be set to develop, with the help of the device, consciousness and spirit so that in the long term you will be able to use only the developed spirit and consciousness without the device.
Control 4:
Development of concentrations of eternal life for rejuvenation.
The inventor of the device “PRK – 1U”: Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi
The producer of the device:
Individual entrepreneur “GRIGORII GRABOVOI PR KONSALTING TECHNOLOGIES OF ETERNAL DEVELOPMENT” operates on the basis of the certificate of state registration of physical person Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi as an individual entrepreneur №63983276 issued 21. September 2015. by the Agency for the registration of enterprises of the Republic of Serbia.
The methods of use of the device:
Methods of use were the following: concentration on the goal of control 1, 2, 3, 4 is carried out within the time interval from 1 to 3 minutes, and if necessary longer, without the turned on device and when the device is turned on. The results are compared in terms of development effect concentrations ensuring eternal life. This effect is used for the development of concentrations on specified directions through repeated use.
The results of the use of the appliance:
Control 1:
Development of concentrations of eternal life for any event.
Comparison of concentration before switching on the device and concentration during operation of the device established that a support at the concentration occurs, there is a feeling of energy flow, spiritual and creative capabilities increase.
Control 2:
Development of concentrations of eternal life for controlling clairvoyance.
Comparison of concentration before switching on the device and concentration during operation of the device established that during operation of the device the flat images perceived by the controlling clairvoyance from become voluminous, more stable and clear, controllability increases, the increase of the image through magnifying glass effect occurs.
Control 3:
Development of concentrations of eternal life for controlling forecasting.
Comparison of concentration before switching on the device and concentration during operation of the device established that during operation of the device the information of the controlling forecasting becomes controllable more harmoniously based on the form similar to damp dynamic matter, the capability of developing controlling concentrations on more distant into the future events increases.
Control 4:
Development of concentrations of eternal life for rejuvenation.
Comparison of concentration before switching on the device and concentration during operation of the device established that during operation of the device concentration on rejuvenation is strengthened, energy potential increases, and a person may feel a state of an earlier age.
The device meets the demanding standards.
Purchase of the device:
The device PRK-1U is not sold. The device PRK-1U is provided for usage with the Education program on the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi based on a sublicense agreement.
The Education program includes all the text, audio and video materials of the Education Program on the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi in all the available languages a magnetic medium and in the Internet library of the Education Center.
At the moment there are 3 types of sub-license agreements for granting the right to use the Education Program of Grigori Grabovoi with the device PRK-1U:
1. A sub-license agreement for granting the right to use the Education Program on the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi with a modified device for the development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1U with a remote access to the device.
The cost for this agreement is 1212 EUR.
The device is set up (tuned) only for 1 person.
Remote access is provided through video monitoring of three PRK-1U devices (including stationary unit) in real time via internet.
2. A sub-license agreement for granting the right to use the Education Program on the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi with a modified device for the development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1U with remote access to the devices and the shipment of the device.
The cost for this agreement is 9,700 EUR.
Possibility of a set up of the device PRK-1U for the number of participants from 1 to 8.
Remote access is provided through video monitoring for three PRK-1U devices (including stationary unit) in real time via the internet, and a mobile device PRK-1U is shipped to the sub-licensee.
3. Sub-license agreement for granting the right to use the Education Program on the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi with a device for the development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1U, modified with diamonds, with the remote access to the devices and shipment of the device.
The cost for this agreement is 10,700 EUR.
Possibility of a set up of the device PRK-1U for number of participants from 1 to 8.
Remote access is provided through video monitoring of three PRK-1U devices (including stationary unit) in real time via the internet, as well as a modified mobile device PRK-1U shipped to the sub-licensee.
Installment payment under the contract is possible for 6 months.
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More information about PRK-1U:
Documents required for the signing of Sublicense agreement and testing PRK-1U –
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Anyone can simply (free) use this site and concentrate on PRK-1U devices configured according to medical profiles.
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