The results of use of the device for the development of concentrations PRK-1U
Testimony on the results of use of the device for the development of concentrations PRK-1U to control the operation of technical systems.
Technologies and methods from the following webinars of Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi were used: “The Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi about God. The Method of Control of Equipment through the Interaction of Micro-Processes to Ensure Eternal Life.” of June 14, 2017, “The Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi about God. The Reaction of the Technical System to Control of Consciousness.” of December 24, 2016, “The Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi about God. Control of the Horizon of Events in Eternal Life.” of July 14, 2015.
I, Mikhail Y. Strakhov, work as the head of the setup department at Novosibirsk Combined Heat and Power Plant-5.
The essence of the technical problem:
In June 2017 due to interruptions in the work of relay protection and automation of one large source of generating capacity in Siberia, a split of the components of the power systems from the parallel operation of the unified energy system of Siberia took place.
In the Novosibirsk the power system, due to the disconnection of power flows to neighboring power systems, an imbalance occurred between the generation of active power and its consumption that resulted in an emergency increase in the frequency in the power system. The power units of the Novosibirsk Heat and Power Plant No. 5 (hereinafter referred to as CHPP-5) have been allocated for the primary frequency control (hereinafter referred to as “PFC”) which task is to keep the frequency within the permissible limits when the balance of active power is disrupted. For this purpose, the effect on the control valves of turbines by changing the steam flow rate with automatic speed controllers of operating turbines was taking place. As the rate of circulation increased, the regulator reduced the steam inlet to the turbine, while the active power of the power unit should decrease by at least 5% of the installed capacity of the power unit, that is, 10 megawatts (MW), within 15 seconds from the beginning of the regulator’s impact. In the next 6 minutes the capacity of the power unit should be reduced by another 5% due to the reduction of fuel consumption to the boiler and the restoration of the balance of steam consumption in the boiler-turbine block. The parameters of the operation of the equipment, such as, for example, the temperatures of the metal and steam along the path of the boiler, etc., must be within acceptable limits.
When analyzing the incident, the non-participation of the power units of Novosibirsk CHPP-5 in the power grid was recorded and penalties were imposed in the amount of 650 thousand rubles a month. For the removal of penalties, it was necessary to conduct tests on a special program and to confirm the possibility of participation of power units in the PFC. Such a program was developed. The test program provided for the participation of my department in setting the operating modes of the equipment, monitoring the dynamics of changes in individual parameters. While the testing program was coordinated in high instances, the following was fulfilled:
– for the control of additional parameters, the reserve channels of the automated process control system (ASC of TP) of the power unit were used;
– additional devices were installed in excess of regular monitoring;
– a detailed algorithm of actions has been developed and partially tested.
The test leader said that everything was clear and understandable and he freed me from participating in the tests to perform other urgent work. The tests were carried out on 12.07.2017 during the whole working day at the power unit of Plant No. 4., Only one of the 14 experiments that were carried out succeeded at a load close to nominal in the direction of its increase. 13 experiments were unsuccessful; they could not even get close to the required dynamics of changes in active power.
Conclusion on the test result of 12.07.2017:
1. The impact on the turbine control valves either did not result in a change in the active power of at least 10 MW within 15 seconds, or resulted in a sudden skid or load shedding and the valves position had to be changed, which is unacceptable under the test conditions.
2. When the load was relieved (near the minimum) – the valves went to close with the threat of the power unit shutting down from the network. There was a wedging of the control valves at reduced loads.
On July 13, the head and participants of the tests asked me to participate in the repeated tests scheduled for July 14 from 9:00 AM. It was necessary to quickly come up with something and still conduct tests, confirm the participation of the power plant in the PFC. I planned in advance to carry out forecast control for a successful outcome of the tests in the evening of July 13, but I did not manage to do it, since I worked for more urgent and important tasks.
On July 14, at 8:50 am, I arrived to conduct the test to the control panel of the power unit. The workers of the workshop of the thermal automation and measurements reported on the connection of additional measuring devices and their synchronization. When at 9:05 am none of the test participants appeared, I decided that the application for changing the power unit’s power during the tests was not approved and began to look for the test leader to find out for what time the test was postponed. I found him at the next control panel, where the start-up operations at the power unit of plant No. 2 were carried out and the delay of the ignition of the boiler from the start-up schedule was more than one hour at that point. First, we eliminated the problems that prevented the launch and ignited the boiler, since the delay in connecting the power unit to the grid would also result in fines.
Only at 10:15 we came to the place of testing for PFC. There were already tests on the load, close to the minimum. According to the deep peaks on the steam flow recorders to the turbine it was evident that the tests were unsuccessful, it was possible to keep the power unit from shutting off when closing the control valves only by emergency operations of the operational personnel.
My control. After asking the participants about the possible options for further action, I stepped aside and carried out control. First I concentrated on the lenses of the device for developing of concentrations PRK-1U counterclockwise and at the numbers 25, 64 and 78 near the lenses, and set the task of providing Eternal Life to everyone, control over the work of the technical systems of the power unit of Plant No. 4 of Novosibirsk CHPP-5, the successful carrying out of tests to confirm participation in the primary frequency control in the power system.
Since I had difficulties in visualizing the eternal development of technical systems burning organic fuels, I laid down first the repair and modernization of existing equipment, its improvement in the function of providing people with electricity and heat ensuring security, including environmental protection, up to the level of consciousness development, when these systems would not be needed. Then I visualized, on the panel of device PRK-1U, above and to the right of the lens block an infinity sign, and introduced the action of the soul in the right part of the sign, and the action of the spirit in the left one. From the center of the sign of infinity, I singled out a perpendicular sign of eternity and by the action of consciousness introduced the signs into the most massive part of the turbine in the zone of steam-launch. I looked at the turbine substance at the atomic level, singled out two microsystems (two luminous points), brought them close to one another and compressed them until they hit the center of the intersection of the signs of infinity and eternity. Then I decided to take the main equipment of the power unit: the boiler, the turbine and the generator under control of the PRK-1U. I perceived them in my consciousness and began to draw up the light columns from them. Instantly a thought came that I was doing wrong, it was necessary to take control of the boiler, turbine and control system for these objects, i.e. the block control panel with all the instruments and people on the shield. Then I drew the converging light columns high upward from these objects and closed them with the sphere with the device PRK-1U. The assembly of control structures lasted 10-15 seconds, the development of reality in the field of control began, and I approached the participants of the tests closer and suggested that they continue the tests with the confidence that this time we would succeed. I tried to cheer up every participant, everyone started talking loudly, they began to joke. From their conversations, I heard that the power unit engineer Nikolai S. (the person who has the right to affect the bodies of controls of the power unit) often violated traffic rules. Quiet and sensible at work, Nicholai paid two penalties for speeding in July. But, if he likes fast driving, then he likes to manage fast-flowing processes. I also included this information in the control. In the meantime, I have lined up such a design in the field of control: a space of pink luminescence, stretching to infinity, i.e., not closed, opened from me. In this space, at a distance of 70 cm in front of my chest, a yellow sphere 10-15 cm in diameter hung, it was filled with a translucent silvery-white light. If the sphere is conventionally divided into 4 segments by a horizontal plane and vertical across my body, then control took place in the upper segment far from me. In it, I saw the objects of control, the boiler, the turbine and the control panel between them, I saw all the participants in the tests, including myself on the control panel. The control consisted in the fact that I identified dark areas in the spheres of thinking of those gathered, which I regarded as a negative forecast about the outcome of the tests and I illuminated them. Sometimes, from the future, gray information blocks pushed onto the sphere and pushed through its surface. At the same time, I felt pressure on myself. I disassembled these blocks and rebuilt the shape of the sphere. Past events flowed into the sphere segment horizontally on the left. The thread of events was silvery white and there was no need for control. I had a state of confident control of the technical system and events, complete tranquility, it was easy to keep the control. It turned out that all control structures were reduced to one sphere of monitoring and at the same time control (sphere in the sphere).
Conclusion on the test result of 14.07.2017.
We conducted 14 successful experiments in a row within 4.5 hours without any deviations. The experiments were without comment.
Note: When adjusting the modes before the experiments, there were several wedges of the turbine control valves, they had to be pulled off by the influence on the controls at their location. In the second half of the tests, I did not view the sphere in such detail, I just kept the norm with my state.
On July 20, 2017 similar tests were conducted at the power unit of plant No. 6, which I also took under control, having conducted control using the device PRK-1U.
The essence of the technical problem that occurred:
– at this power unit, the state of the turbine control system was satisfactory;
– the range of regulation of the fuel supply to the boiler in the direction of reduction was limited,
– there were delays with the output of information on the change in active capacity due to the congestion of information channels of the ACS of TP of the power unit.
Note. When setting up modes and conducting experiments, the use of the visual control of the parameter displayed on the monitor, i.e., the rate of pressure change in the water-steam channel of the boiler helped.
My control. I built the control the same way as in the tests at the power unit of Plant No. 4. When conducting the first experiments I clearly got the word “STABILIZATION” above the sphere of control in the space of pink light, and we began to withstand more time before the beginning of each experiment to stabilize the regime, as the power unit of Plant No. 6 reacts slower to disturbances, it is more inertial. The tests were successful, although the sensations during the control were no longer as bright as the first time.
Conclusion on the test result of 20.07.2017.
Processing of test materials and analysis of the constructed trends showed that the tests were successful. The compiled reports today, July 27, 2017, were submitted for inspection to the regional dispatch office, accepted for verification without any comments.
Conclusion on the results of the use of technologies of Grigori Grabovoi with the use of PRK-1U in the conditions of industrial operation of equipment of power units of Novosibirsk Cogeneration Plant No. 5:
Application of technologies and methods from webinars “The Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi about God. The Method of Control of Equipment through the Interaction of Micro-Processes to Ensure Eternal Life.” of June 14, 2017, and “The Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi about God. The Reaction of the Technical System to Control of Consciousness.” of December 24, 2016, using the device for the development of concentrations of PRK-1U makes it possible to develop reality towards the achievement of the set goals, and moreover the achievement of private objectives for the control of technical systems is almost instantaneous. The control is reduced to simple designs, it is easy and joyful to control.
Many thanks to Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi for his knowledge and tireless work!
Mikhail Strakhov
City of Novosibirsk
July 27, 2017